

The Rotherham moves to best of breed

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has issued a draft informatics strategy, in which it blames a failure to listen to
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Rotherham creates Meditech ‘skin’

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has developed a front-end ā€˜skinā€™ for its Meditech electronic patient record system, due to issues
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Rotherham installs TPP in A&E

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust will install TPPā€™s SystmOne in A&E and is running a Meditech pilot to ā€œre-engageā€ clinicians.
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Sunderland delays Meditech V6.0

City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust has delayed the deployment of Meditechā€™s electronic patient record version 6.0.
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Rotherham plan to ‘deconstruct’ Meditech

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is planning to deconstruct its troubled Meditech EPR implementation.
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Rotherham spending Ā£40m on EPR

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust plans to spend more than Ā£40m on implementing its Meditech V6.0 electronic patient record system
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Monitor blasts Rotherham’s EPR programme

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has been found in significant breach of its terms of authorisation by Monitor with its
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Rotherham faces ‘technical difficulties’

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trustā€™s non-executive directors have raised concerns about "technical difficulties" with its Meditech electronic patient record implementation.
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Unison hits out at Rotherham job losses

Trade union Unison has called on The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust to rethink plans that would see hundreds of staff
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Rotherham starts to implement Meditech

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has started the implementation of its new electronic patient record, Meditech.
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