

Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ā˜•Ā  Ā 

Today's briefing covers the use of AI to create personalised cancer therapies and the UK Sepsis Trust welcoming new NICE
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Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ā˜•

Today's briefing covers NICE conditionally recommending two remote monitoring products for Parkinson's and the use of AI to predict sepsis.
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Why are we stuck in first gear with Shared Care Records?

An excessive focus on innovation may be getting in the way of progress, says Lorraine Foley, from the Professional Record
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GDE blueprints ‘hit usual NHS problem of low adoption’, digital leaders say

One year on from the release of the first wave of blueprints, itā€™s unclear what the uptake has been and
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Alder Hey staff to use electronic devices to identify early warning signs

Part of a study, staff at Alder Hey are using System C's CareFlow Vitals software platform, which powers the electronic
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E-observations software delivers marked sepsis improvement at Barnsley

Since introducing Vitals e-obs software, Barnsley Hospital has seen immediate improvements in recognising and treating sepsis, and is now among
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Digital tools prevent hundreds of sepsis deaths across three hospitals

Cambridge University Hospitals and Royal Berkshire have implemented a digital sepsis blueprint released in Febriary as part of the GDE
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Imperial College scientists create AI system to help treat sepsis

The findings claimed 98 per cent of the time, the AI system matched or was better than the human doctorsā€™
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Succeeding in sepsis: The transformation with mobile technology continues

Improving outcomes for patients with sepsis is a major NHS priority. The condition, which annually costs the NHS an estimated
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NHS could save Ā£81m a year though new tech designed to prevent strokes

More than 6,000 devices designed to prevent strokes are to be rolled out as part of a national campaign that
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