Single sign-on


Liverpool Women’s moves to single sign-on

All members of staff at Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust will soon be able to use their hospital entry cards
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ExpreSSO promises faster route to single sign-on

Healthcare access and identity management specialists, Sentillion, today launched a ‘plug and go’ single sign-on (SSO) solution called ExpreSSO. Sentillion
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Imprivata puts in single sign-on smartcards at 11 trusts

Authentication and access management specialist Imprivata has signed up 11 trusts to use its new NHS OneSign, providing single sign on
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PACS roll-out milestone hit in London and the South

All NHS hospital trusts across London and the South of England have now received systems to enable them to capture
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A torrid few months

iSoft chairman John Weston talks to E-Health Insider about the company's new start following some difficult months.
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BMA implements single sign-on system

The British Medical Association have implemented an enterprise-wide single sign-on (ESSO) system to simplify login procedures for staff working in
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Addenbrooke’s starts single sign-on roll out

A single sign-on system which will save busy clinical staff remembering multiple passwords and user names is being rolled out
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Good outlook for IP VPNs in European healthcare

Industry analysts Frost & Sullivan have predicted positive, if qualified, growth of Internet Protocol Virtual Private Networks (IP VPNs)  in healthcare
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Single sign-on targeted at UK health organisations

An IT security company which claims successful implementations in US hospitals of its enterprise single-sign on (ESSO) system has set
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Electronic medical records top priority for US

US healthcare IT executives have named implementing a paperless electronic medical record (EMR) their top priority in the annual Healthcare
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