Social Media


EHI Live interview: Dr Ranj

The presenter of ā€˜Get Well Soonā€™ will be visiting EHI Live 2014. He told EHI about his ā€œinner geekā€, the
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Social media posts prompt investigation

Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust has launched an internal investigation after staff made inappropriate comments on social media
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East Kent rolls out Notify alert system

A system providing real-time alerts about acute kidney injury patients to staff at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
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Tweets measuring quality of care

Healthcare bosses should be careful when using ā€œunstructuredā€ Twitter feedback to measure the quality of a hospitalā€™s care, according to
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EHI interview: Duncan Selbie

Public Health England is developing its digital strategy. EHI news editor Rebecca Todd spoke to its chief executive about the
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Power to the people

Paul Hodgkin says: get ready for Occupy the NHS Now!
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Power to the people

Paul Hodgkin awards half Marx to the guy who linked the means of production to revolution.
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From the frontline

Thereā€™s any amount of guidance on using social media in healthcare, yet most trusts remain downright suspicious. Andrew Carr, an
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Social media benefits outweigh risks

NHS managers should let their staff use social media more freely, new guidance says.
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Happy docs urged to beware of Facebook

Medical defence organisation MDDUS is urging doctors to stay away from snappy-happy photographers and avoid appearing in pictures from their
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