Social Media


MPS pokes GMC for social media guidance

The Medical Protection Society wants a new section on the use of social media incorporated into official ethical guidance issued
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Facebook and Twitter liked for health

One in three people are now using social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter for health-related issues according to
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Docs rapped for social media abuse

A US study suggests that medical boards are starting to get tough on doctors who act unprofessionally on social networking
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Social media an ā€œethical dutyā€ for docs

Doctors have an ā€œethical dutyā€ to use the communication channels used by their patients to provide them with good medical
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Twitter is trending in the NHS

Only a third of primary care trusts are using social media to communicate with patients, according to a survey conducted
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400 issues and counting

Jon Hoeksma looks back at eight years of E-Health Insider, as it issues its 400th newsletter.
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Swedish hospitals lead on social media

A ground-breaking study into how European hospitals are making use of Web 2.0 social media tools, such as Facebook, YouTube
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Declaration of Rights for health data launched

A high profile coalition of patient advocates, US doctors, software vendors and bloggers have launched a Declaration of Rights for
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This is the year to come

Sandra Hempel asks leading figures in healthcare IT to look ahead to 2009.
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New patient e-health 2.0 sites launched

Two new websites have been launched featuring a collection of real life health stories and personal experiences of illness and
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