Spending review


Osborne shifts Ā£3 billion to social care

Chancellor George Osborne has announced that Ā£3 billion will be spent on jointly commissioned health and social care services in
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Osborne tells NHS to support social care

The NHS will be expected to support social care as council budgets are slashed, Chancellor George Osborne announced this lunchtime.
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NHS ‘faces pivotal year’ – Nicholson

NHS chief executive David Nicholson has said that the coming year will be pivotal for the NHS as it faces
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Whatā€™s going on, Darling?

NPfIT was going to be scrapped. Then it wasnā€™t. Sarah Bruce reports on Pre-Budget Report chaos.
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IT spend under pressure, survey confirms

Local and central IM&T spend as a percentage of NHS revenue will decrease next year for the first time in
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Four in ten readers expect cuts

Four out of ten NHS IT staff are expecting their budgets to decrease next year, and a further 36% expect
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Mind the gap

Brian Derry from the NHS Information Centre reflects on the coming financial crunch and how informatics can help the NHS
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Arctic blast

A think-tank recently ranked its funding forecasts for the NHS from ā€˜tepidā€™ to ā€˜arctic.ā€™ Sarah Bruce asks what that will
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Funding forecast is colder than ever

The NHS would have to make historically unprecedented productivity gains to close the gap between its likely funding after 2011
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It’s history (repeating itself)

The Gateway Reviews of the National Programme for IT in the NHS have been published. Lyn Whitfield took a look
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