Surrey and Sussex


Surrey and Sussex trust to use PKB with 3,200 IBD patients

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust is to offer the patient-controlled electronic record Patients Know Best to more than 3,200
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Surrey and Sussex signs with Cerner

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust has signed a ten-year contract to retain Cerner Millennium, using the London Procurement Partnership
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Surrey and Sussex CCGs choose new CSUs

Nine clinical commissioning groups in Surrey and Sussex have chosen new commissioning support providers following the closure of their local
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Letā€™s get IT together

Trusts in the south east banded together to buy a new PACS, RIS and VNA. Imaging Informatics editor Kim Thomas
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Surrey and Sussex gets patient feedback

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust is implementing a patient experience system to collect feedback on its services.
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Surrey and Sussex sticks with Cerner

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust wants to stick with the Cerner Millennium system it deployed as part of the
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Surrey and Sussex picks Philips PACS

Philips has been picked as the preferred supplier for PACS, RIS and vendor neutral archiving by the Surrey and Sussex
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Surrey takes tablets with Millennium

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust has deployed tablet devices in A&E to improve real-time data capture into its electronic
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Trust takes Ensemble as managed service

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust has appointed ReStart Consulting to deliver InterSystems' Ensemble integration engine through a managed service
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DH gives go ahead to Cerner upgrades

The Department of Health has given the go ahead to a Cerner upgrade across London and the South of England
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