Tara Donnelly


This is a great time for virtual wards to be bolder

New guidance from NHS England, and the positive findings of a large-scale evaluation in the South East, have delivered a
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Virtual wards: We are in danger of being eclipsed by our European neighbours

There is huge scope to extend the reach and impact of virtual wards and remote monitoring. But the NHS must
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To realise their potential all virtual wards must be tech enabled

In the first of a two-part series on virtual wards, Tara Donnelly examines evidence of ā€œexcellentā€ progress and explains why
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Convert clinicians to digital wards by allowing them to ā€˜playā€™ with the tech

The clinical and cost benefits of virtual wards are becoming clearer, but some clinicians still need to be won over,
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‘Tech saved my life’ – Liz O’Riordan’s keynote at Virtual Summer School

Oā€™Riordanā€™s powerful opening speech at this yearā€™s Digital Health Virtual Summer School was a reminder technology is also a tool
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Tara Donnelly to continue role as NHSX chief digital officer

Following an open recruitment process Donnelly was today (23 November) confirmed to be continuing as chief digital officer in a
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Hancock says health service has seen tech uptake ‘like never before’

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has said the Covid-19 pandemic has seen an updake of technology
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NHS Digital cyber chief puts emphasis on ā€˜protecting patient informationā€™

Speaking at the Digital Healthcare Show, Dan Pearce, said one of his main priorities was to "protect patient safety".
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Tara Donnelly calls for digital health solutions to be accessible for all

As digital services in the NHS are becoming increasingly popular, itā€™s vital they are user friendly, Donnelly told a conference
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Tara Donnelly named as NHS England’s new interim digital chief

The chief executive of the Health Innovation Network is a huge advocate for helping the spread of innovation in the
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