

Summary record starts in Sweden

Ɩrebro County Council has become the first part of Sweden to implement the national patient summary record. Sarah Bruce reports.
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UK telehealth trials missing minorities

Concerns have been raised that the UK’s biggest ever trial of telehealth technologies is excluding non-English speaking people, despite the
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ElderGames targets silver surfers

European trials of an interactive game platform, resembling a vintage video game table, specifically designed for the elderly have completed
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Panasonic launches new Mobile Clinical Assistant

Panasonic has launched the latest version of its Mobile Clinical Assistant, a rugged tablet-style wireless handheld computer specifically designed for
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EU sets e-health map for 2009

Ilias Iakovidis and Michael Palmer tell E-Health Europeā€™s Outi Alapekkala how e-health will develop in 2009 and far beyond.
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Web coaching helps weight management, says study

Counselling via the phone and internet are better methods for helping people reduce their weight than simply giving them self-help
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Vodafone invests in mobile health firm

Newbury, Berkshire-based, mobile phone giant Vodafone has invested in t+ Medical, a UK provider of mobile health services acccessed across
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MiBand personal activity monitor launched

The MiLife MiBand A new type of wrist-worn activity monitor has been launched which is said to lead to higher
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Carestream supports Ebay for radiologists

Carestream Health is to provide technical infrastructure to the European Union-funded project to create an Ebay-style online market for radiology
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New EU project will help to predict glucose levels

AN EU collaborative research project has been granted ā‚¬7.1m to develop a personalised blood glucose prediction tool.
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