virtual wards


NHS North West London ICB cuts virtual ward capacity

The end of ring-fenced funding for virtual wards has contributed to the fall in bed virtual ward bed capacity at
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Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ā˜•

This edition of Coffee Time Briefing includes the launch of 14 NIHR HealthTech Research Centres and a new AI-powered food
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Plymouth virtual ward occupancy rate over 80% with plans to expand

University Hospitals Plymouth has confirmed that its virtual ward beds are now over 80% occupied, the best occupancy rate in
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Leaked NHSE review warns of ā€˜severe shortageā€™ of digital nurses

A leaked copy of the unpublished Phillips Ives Report, seen by Nursing Times, warns of a 'severe shortage' of digital
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Almost 1,000 bed days saved by virtual wards at Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust saved an estimated 959 bed days in the first six months of a virtual ward
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Black and ethnic minority people underrepresented in virtual wards

An NHS England analysis of the effectiveness of virtual wards has found that black and ethnic minority people are underrepresented
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This is a great time for virtual wards to be bolder

New guidance from NHS England, and the positive findings of a large-scale evaluation in the South East, have delivered a
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NHS England sets ambition to improve access to virtual wards

NHS England has announced proposals to increase access to virtual wards in a bid to reduce emergency department (ED) waiting
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Virtual wards: We are in danger of being eclipsed by our European neighbours

There is huge scope to extend the reach and impact of virtual wards and remote monitoring. But the NHS must
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To realise their potential all virtual wards must be tech enabled

In the first of a two-part series on virtual wards, Tara Donnelly examines evidence of ā€œexcellentā€ progress and explains why
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