Vision 3


INPS wants Vision 360 to be GP system

INPS is to seek NHS Connecting for Health accreditation for its Vision 360 data hub as a GP system.
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Vision 3 secures SCR roll out approval

INPS’s Vision 3 system has received full roll-out approval for the Summary Care Record, NHS Connecting for Health has announced. Approval
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CfH consults on future of GP systems

Connecting for Health has begun a consultation on what stakeholders want from GP systems and work on an enhanced roadmap
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iSoft Synergy to start GP2GP testing

Progress on the GP2GP electronic records transfer programme remains on track with plans to start testing iSoft’s Synergy system at
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Vision 3 first GPSoC level 4 system

INPS has announced that its Vision clinical system has become the first GP system to achieve GP Systems of Choice
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PCTs to offer local incentive schemes for data accreditation

PCTs will need to offer local incentive schemes for data accreditation from April to support the national roll-out of the
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GP2GP milestone reached

More than 5,000 GP practices are now using GP2GP software to transfer electronic records, NHS Connecting for Health has announced.
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Vision 4 looks further off

Delivery of the new clinical system Vision 4 from GP system supplier INPS could be moved back to 2011. The
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GP2GP out-of-date medical records concern

GP practices that have moved from a GP2GP compliant system but left it connected to the Spine have been inadvertently sending
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Talks over BT role in London primary care systems

BT may drop responsibility for delivering new primary care systems in London and focus on building an integration engine for
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