INPS’s Vision 3 system has received full roll-out approval for the Summary Care Record, NHS Connecting for Health has announced.

Approval of Vision 3 means all of the four leading GP system suppliers in England are now approved for their SCR applications, covering more than 90% of GP practices in England.

CfH said INPS’s Vision 3 DLM290 release had been progressing through its Common Assurance Process and has been awarded full roll-out approval for the release that includes the SCR functionality.

ISoft’s Synergy system was the first GP system to achieve approval for national roll-out of SCR functionality, followed by TPP’s SystmOne earlier this year and the EMIS LV system in July.

CfH said INPS has two models for their Vision 3 application, one hosted locally at the GP practice known as a local area network (LAN) site and software hosted in INPS managed data centres known as Vision Enterprise Systems (VES) or hosted sites.

The IT agency said full roll out approval had been awarded without restriction for LAN sites but that, at INPS’s request, implementations or VES or hosted sites will temporarily be subject to agreement with INPS.

The agency added: “This restriction will be lifted once their DLM295 release is approved for full rollout, currently targeted for the end of November 2009.”

Latest statistics from CfH show that 463,693 Summary Care Records had been uploaded to the Spine by the beginning of last week.

Informatics planning guidance which accompanied the Operating Framework for the NHS in England 2009-10 said primary care trusts must commit to full roll-out of the SCR within two years of GP systems in a PCT being compliant.