

Reader Comment: ā€˜NPfIT Viewed from Scotlandā€™

The following ‘reader comment’ was supplied in response to recent E-Health Insider reports on the development of the National Programme for
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Long Term Approach to IT Reform for NHS Wales

A long term commitment to transforming healthcare using information and IT is outlined in NHS Wales’ new strategy, Informing Healthcare.
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Healthcare IT and Devolution

The health services in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were detached from the English mother ship as part of devolution.
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DH Shapes Up National IT Structures

The "Who Does What" debate at the top level of healthcare IT continues but the HC2003 audience at Harrogate this
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NHS Wales Launches Online Jobs Service

The NHS in Wales has launched a jobs service which brings health service vacancies together on a single web site.
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Telemedicine and Telecare Site for Wales

A new website to support telemedicine and telecare in Wales has been launched by the Welsh Assembly Government’s NHS Division
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NHS ‘Numbers for Babies’ Goes Live

A new computerised ‘numbers for babies’ system went live across the NHS at midnight on 29 October, marking a significant
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All-Wales Approach Proposed for Electronic Records

The long-awaited strategy for health information in Wales proposes a corporate, all-Wales approach to the development of electronic records and
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Live Testing of NHS Electronic Staff Records Begins

The live testing of a new national pay and personnel system for the, was launched on Friday at University Hospital
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EDS Signs $142m Deal for NHS Directory and e-Mail Service

IT services multinational, EDS, has finalised a $142m (£91m) deal to develop and deliver a full e-mail and directory service
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