Online medical service deemed unsafe by CQC

  • 1 September 2017
Online medical service deemed unsafe by CQC

An online medical service provider has been heavily criticised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Anytime Doctor offers prescribing services for several treatment areas and testing kits for sexually transmitted diseases.

In an inspection report published on 20 July 2017, the regulator found Anytime Doctor was not providing safe, effective or well led care.

A main concern was that “there was insufficient monitoring of prescribing to prevent patients accessing inappropriate or unsafe treatment”.

Reviewing consultation records showed treatment was not always in line with best practice guidance.

“We found from two of the six records we reviewed for asthma treatment that the quantities of inhalers prescribed indicated that the patients were not being managed appropriately and patients had not been given advice about the importance of regular monitoring”, the CQC report stated.

The provider was also criticised for not conducting proper recruitment checks on staff. “We saw insufficient evidence that checks had been undertaken to ensure staff had adequate training and qualifications to take out their role.”

Anytime Doctor was, however, found to be providing caring and responsive services in accordance with the relevant regulations. Inspectors also found all patient information was stored securely and kept confidential.

In recent months, the CQC has published several inspection reports that have been critical of providers of digital patient services.

Last month, Digital Health News reported on poor inspection reports for Index Medical Limited and Pharmacy 2U. The previous month saw criticism for digital GP service Push Doctor.

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The 39 digital healthcare providers inspected by CQC: *note some have already been inspected*

Ada Digital Health

Antrobus Medical Limited

Anytime Medical Limited – Anytime Doctor

Babylon Healthcare Services Limited

Doctor Care Anywhere Limited

Dr Morton’s

Dr Now (Now Healthcare Group Limited)

Escripts Marketing Limited

Expert Health Limited

FMC Marketing Limited

Freedomhealth Ltd

Health Bridge Ltd London

Hexpress Healthcare Ltd

Homeocare Ltd

Icebreaker Medical

Index Medical Limited

iPrimary Care Limited

Medical Prescription Services Ltd

MSF Medical Services Limited

Online Clinic (UK) Limited

Postmymeds Limited

PrivateDoc Ltd

Push Doctor Limited

Red Label Medical Limited

SH:24 C.I.C

The Boots Company plc

The GP Service (UK) Ltd

VideoDoc LTD

Yakub Chemist Limited

Doc Reports Limited (iGP)

Doctor Matt Ltd

e-med Private Medical Services

Express Dispense Ltd

Frosts Pharmacy Ltd

HR Healthcare Limited

Nationwide Pharmacies Ltd

Pharmacy2U Limited

White Pharmacy Ltd




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