PRSBā€™s Community Pharmacy Standard will help unlock local pharmacists’ potential

Standardising community pharmacy information so it can be shared digitally should reduce the burden on GPs and lead to safer,
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ā€˜NHS staff just want tech that worksā€™

Research from BT suggests that almost half of NHS staff find digital technology a key source of stress. A new
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Six steps to increase adoption and uptake of digital technology across ICSs

Most Integrated Care Systems are struggling to reach digital maturity. Learning from the best could help them catch up, write
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AI in pathology: We need to start with ‘easier’ cases and grow to maturity

Artificial intelligence has huge potential in pathology. But to realise its benefits, suppliers should work with customers on use cases
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Special Report: AI & Data

A new Ā£21 million investment in AI aims to modernise NHS diagnostics and improve wait times. But does the funding
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How digital tools can support patient safety

Digital solutions can improve information sharing and reduce the errors that cost lives. But they should be implemented carefully to
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The government must back its vision for digital with funding

Tech companies who have invested heavily in the healthcare market could do much more to help their NHS partners. But
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Patient portals: How to open the digital front door to better NHS care

All non-specialist acute trusts must have procured a portal solution by September. In the light of NHS Englandā€™s mandate, Bruno
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How unlocking the data secrets of our health past, could shape the NHSā€™ future

Ted Reynolds, Head of Healthcare for Restore Digital, explores the role data derived from archived patient records could play in
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7 Crucial Steps to Enhance Your Organisationā€™s Cybersecurity

Patient privacy breaches pose significant threats to patients and healthcare organisations. It is time to confront the risks head on,
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