GPs urged to call up NHS Number

The NHS Number Programme has issued guidance to encourage the use of the NHS Number in general practice.
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IMS Maxims used at Care UK centres

Healthcare provider Care UK is using software from IMS Maxims for its three diagnostic centres.
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PCTI completes Croydon roll-out

Document management specialists PCTI has announced the completion of the roll-out of its Docman software to all GP practices in
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SCRs for nine in ten in Darlington

More than 90% of patients in NHS Darlington have a Summary Care Record, making it the primary care trust with
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GPs advised: do IG Toolkit

GP representatives have advised GP practices to complete NHS Connecting for Healthā€™s Information Governance Toolkit, despite concerns about its suitability
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Quarter of councils using LiquidLogic

Liquidlogic has announced that 25% of local authorities in England are now using its IT solutions for childrenā€™s services.
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North Staffordshire OrQestrates PDS data

University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust has become the first acute trust to access the Personal Demographics Service from
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TPP SystmOne database holds 20m records

Healthcare IT system supplier TPP has announced that its database of unique medical records, hosted by its software SystmOne, has
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Informatica updates QoF software

Informatica Systems has released an updated version of its Contract+ software to cover the latest changes to the Quality and
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NHS Coventry gets the Vision 360 thing

Healthcare IT supplier INPS has announced that NHS Coventry has ordered its Vision 360 clinical data sharing solution to support
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