Andrew Lansley


Lansley leads information revolution

The new NHS white paper promises an information strategy for the NHS this autumn, but a report from the National
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White paper backs Choose and Book

The 'Liberating the NHS' white paper backs Choose and Book as part of radical plans to extend patient choice, but
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PCTs to go in massive NHS reorganisation

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has announced that primary care trusts are to be abolished as part of a massive reorganisation
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ARM doesn’t call for end of NPfIT or SCR

Doctors’ representatives have stopped short of backing calls for the withdrawal of co-operation from the Summary Care Record programme. They
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Treasury frets about GP commissioning

NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson has admitted that the Treasury is concerned abut the government’s plans to hand secondary care
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Lansley: ‘NHS not protected from change’

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has warned the NHS it cannot expect the funding increases it has enjoyed in the recent
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NHS ordered to halve management costs

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has scrapped some key NHS performance targets and told the health service it must save at
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Unison attacks abolition of SHAs

Health unions have condemned the latest shake up of the NHS, which will include the abolition of strategic health authorities.
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Decision day for Morecambe Bay

D-Day has arrived for University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust on whether it is allowed to proceed with plans
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Coalition sets out vision for NHS

The new Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition has set out a vision for the NHS that combines some of the most radical
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