Andrew Lansley


Lansley outlines Tory NHS plans

Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has pledged to cut the cost of NHS bureaucracy by a third at the Conservative
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Twitter ‘weloveNHS’ campaign grows

Thousands of people have joined the ‘welovetheNHS’ campaign on Twitter to show their backing for England’s National Health Service. The
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Conservatives to ā€˜dismantleā€™ NPfIT

The Conservatives have promised to ā€œdismantle Labour's central NHS IT infrastructureā€ and instead move to a choice of local accredited
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Lord Darzi quits government

Lord Darzi is to resign as a health minister but to retain a role as a government advisor. Downing Street
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Interim flu line for 100,000 cases a day

The Department of Health’s interim flu line service is expected to be operational by next week, as the government predicts
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Money, money, money

The theme of this yearā€™s NHS Confederation conference was money; or rather the coming lack of it. Lyn Whitfield reports.
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Confed: future ‘unprecedentedly difficult’

The NHS Confederation has warned that the health service is facing a Ā£15 billion shortfall from 2010-11 and changed ways
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LAS system crashes again

The London Ambulance Service computer system crashed for nearly two hours on one of the busiest nights of the year
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Opposition calls for rethink on data storage

The debate over healthcare data security took a political turn as the opposition called on the government to change its
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CfH underspent by Ā£828m over three years

Delays in implementations and delivery of systems under the National Programme for IT over the last three years means that
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