Business Intelligence


ACS buys hosting and outsourcing firm

Advanced Computer Software, the owners of out of-hours software provider Adastra, has bought a hosting and outsourcing firm to accelerate
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One Health Alliance launched

A new ‘best of breed’ healthcare IT alliance has been launched, saying it will deliver technology and information solutions to
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InterQual to manage care across Rotherham

Rotherham Health and Social Care Economy Partnership is deploying an evidence-based decision support and care management system developed and widely-used
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St Georgeā€™s has information InView

St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust has selected CACI’s InView data warehouse and Business Intelligence solution to support its bid for
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DH and London move on shared services

NHS chief executive David Nicholson is encouraging the health service to make greater use of shared services as London’s primary
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NHS Manchester buys BI from Ardentia

NHS Manchester has deployed Ardentia’s data warehouse and patient level costing modules to replace in house legacy systems and support
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Business Intelligence

Daloni Carlisle looks at the tools on offer and the use that trusts are making of them.
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This is the year to come

Sandra Hempel asks leading figures in healthcare IT to look ahead to 2009.
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InterSystems introduces DeepSee

US health IT systems specialist InterSystems has announced the international launch of its new business intelligence (BI) product, DeepSee. The
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Fujitsu exit may hinder trusts on 18-week waits

NHS trusts in the South of England may struggle to reach the national 18-week wait referral to treatment (RTT) target,
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