Cabinet Office


Maxwell becomes govt CTO

Liam Maxwell, who was deputy government chief information officer, has been named the first ever government chief technology officer.
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Open standards principles published

All government bodies must comply with new open standards principals designed to make government IT more open, cheaper and better
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Split big contracts to save: Maxwell

Deputy government chief information officer Liam Maxwell told EHI Live 2012 that "disaggregating big, black box contracts" can save millions
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Open standards due in Autumn

The public consultation on open standards for government IT is with ministers for consideration and the outcome is likely to
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HSCIC releases historic prescribing data

The Health and Social Care Information Centre has released the first set of retrospective GP practice-level prescribing data.
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Cabinet Office seals Open Data plans

The Cabinet Office has released an open data white paper and relaunched its flagship data portal - which includes new
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Southern community procurement approved

Funding for an IT system procurement for child and community trusts in the South has been approved by the Cabinet
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Chair sought for Open Data board

The government is recruiting an independent chair for a new Data Strategy Board to advise ministers on what information should
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NHS “on board” with PSN programme

The NHS is ā€œfully on boardā€ with the Public Services Network programme, despite having serious concerns about it just one
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Govt takes forward open standards plans

The Cabinet Office has launched a consultation on open standards for government IT.
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