

Hospitals breaking DPA every day

The BMA says hospitals are breaking the Data Protection Act on a daily basis by sending referral correspondence to the
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Call to scrap ‘illegal’ NHS patient database

A quarter of all government databases, including NHS Detailed Care Records Service and NHS CRS Secondary Uses Service, are illegal
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NHS boss flew to India to check iSoft progress

David Nicholson has continued to take a hands-on role in the multi-billion pound NHS IT programme, flying to India to
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Child health strategy to share information

The government plans to promote information sharing across settings to deliver improvements in the health of children and young people,
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Information sharing consultation

The government has launched a consultation on information sharing across health, social care and wider community support services. The consultation
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BMA calls for exemption on data sharing

The BMA is calling for confidential health information to be exempt from new government legislation which will allow sharing of
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Insider view: Jon Hoeksma

E-Health Insiderā€™s editor says the Public Accounts Committeeā€™s latest report shows its time to take some tough decisions about NPfIT.
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PAC gives NPfIT six months to deliver CRS

The National Programme for IT in the NHS should be given six months to get effective care record systems into
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Making a Detailed Care Record a reality

Tony Megaw, head of primary care IT for NHS Yorkshire and the Humber, tells Fiona Barr how a primary care
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This is the year to come

Sandra Hempel asks leading figures in healthcare IT to look ahead to 2009.
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