Electronic patient records


US partners sought for Lorenzo Health Studio

IBA Health Group, the Australian parent company of iSoft, has made its first foray into the fiercely competitive US healthcare
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Cerner director is Obamaā€™s health czar

US president Barack Obama has announced a former director of Cerner Corporation as director of the White House Office for
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PAC gives NPfIT six months to deliver CRS

The National Programme for IT in the NHS should be given six months to get effective care record systems into
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Call for common e-health standards

A new study advocates the development of a common strategy and roadmap for e-health standards development, to support interoperability and
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Gematik to evaluate USB sticks for patient records

The German national health IT body has agreed to evaluate USB sticks as a means of storing and carrying electronic
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Cerner wins contract for UAE national EPR

The United Arab Emirates Ministry of Health has awarded a ā‚¬48 ($82m) contract to Cerner for a national electronic patient
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Holland aims for electronic child records

All child healthcare providers will have to introduce electronic patient records by the end of 2009. André Rouvoet, the Dutch
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Maltaā€™s Mater Dei gets bedside entertainment

Irish based patient entertainment specialist, Lincor Solutions, has implemented its bedside TV and clinical access system, MEDIVista at the Mater
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European PACS market to reach ā‚¬650m by 2014

The European Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) market is set to grow to €650m in 2014, according to a
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Darziā€™s report for the digital generation

The final report of the Next Stage Review of the English NHS sees technology-driven change as one of the challenges
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