
Digital health and care plan reveals Ā£2bn will be allocated to digitise sector

The digital health and social care plan has been published and reveals that Ā£2bn has been allocated to help bring
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What can lesser-digitised trusts learn from recent EPR deployments?

Dr Anna Bayes, international medical director at Altera Digital Health explores what the lesser-digitised trusts can learn from recent EPR
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Digital Health CIOs speak out on EPR convergence and levelling up plans

A number of Digital Health Networks CIO Advisory Panel members exclusively voice their thoughts on the new levelling up and
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Digital Health Unplugged: May news team debrief

We have a new edition to the news team debrief podcast as Hannah Crouch and Jon Hoeksma are joined by
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HEE renews clinical decision support tool than can integrate with EPRs

Health Education England (HEE) is extending its use of BMJ Best Practice, a decision support tool that can integrate with
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Major push on EPR ā€˜convergenceā€™ and levelling up from the centre

Local NHS leaders have been told that they must draw up plans to level-up and converge the electronic patient records
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Sajid Javid to unveil his new vision for NHS reform

Sajid Javid is due to announce a new vision for NHS reform, including an increased role for the NHS App
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Sajid Javid wants 90% of NHS trusts to have an EPR by December 2023

The secretary of state for health and social care has said he wants 90% of NHS trusts to have an
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Speculation of national Epic deal with NHS England

Could we see a national deal for the Epic electronic patient record? Jon Hoeksma speculates and explores what this could
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EPR savvy: equipping the clinicians of the future with digital skills

The EPR is an increasingly important part of healthcare delivery. Yet it is rare for student clinicians to learn how
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