

Wes Streeting: We can make Britain a powerhouse for MedTech

Health secretary Wes Streeting has pledged that the new government will ā€œmake Britain a powerhouse for life sciences and medical
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What NHS tech and AI really need from the new government

The major parties see a big role for tech in easing pressure on the NHS and improving healthcare. Whatā€™s missing
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Atos denies that financial issues could have ā€˜severeā€™ effects on NHS

French IT giant Atos has denied reports that it is facing financial issues that could severely impact the NHS and
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Adult Social Care Technology Fund awards first Ā£3 million

The governmentā€™s Adult Social Care Technology Fund has awarded over Ā£3m to improve the use of digital technology in the
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AI governance challenges and UK approach analysed in govt report

A government interim report has highlighted twelve essential challenges of AI governance and raised concerns about the UK-specific approach.
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Virtual wards expansion will see thousands more children treated at home

NHS England has announced it will be expanding virtual wards to include children across the UK - bringing hospital-level care
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Workforce Plan says NHS England to establish expert AI group

NHS England and the government are to set up an expert group to ensure the NHS takes advantage of the
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Government and NHSE to rename and relaunch AHSNs as HINs

The government and NHS England have confirmed their intention to relaunch Englandā€™s 15 Academic Health Science Networks as Health Innovation
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Hewitt recommends NHSE invite ICSs to identify digital and data leaders

In her independent review of ICSs, Patricia Hewitt has recommended that NHS England should invite ICSs to identify digital and
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NHS Covid-19 app to close down on 27 April following decline in users

The NHS Covid-19 contact-tracing app is to be discontinued on 27 April 2023 following a steady decline in the number
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