
GP2GP allows large file transfer

Large patient record files can be sent electronically between GP practices following roll-out of the latest version of GP2GP.
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Wales pilots GP2GP service

Wales has started piloting a GP2GP service to digitally transfer a patientā€™s record from one medical practice to another.
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Enter the CCG waves a red flag

GP John Lockley wants a new category of IT award; the red flag award for the regulation or industry practice
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Spine2 is alive

The replacement for the NHS data spine, Spine2, went live over the bank holiday weekend.
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Central Manchester extends GP access

Patients in central Manchester are given extended access to GP practices as part of a data-sharing project.
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HPA notifications sent electronically

TPP has worked with the Health Protection Agency on a pilot which allows SystmOne users to notify the HPA of
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Study raises issues with GP2GP records

GP practices have reported that a considerably higher proportion of their own records are accurate, complete and useful than those
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TPP pilots GP2GP in Derbyshire

TPP is piloting GP2GP record transfer functionality within SystmOne with nine practices in the Derbyshire area.
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GPs asked for views on GP2GP records

GP practices who receive records via the GP2GP electronic transfer of records project are being asked to take part in
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GP2GP to take in CTV3 systems

More GP systems will be accredited for GP2GP record transfer in the next two years, and these will include systems
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