TPP is piloting GP2GP record transfer functionality within SystmOne. The pilot started on 6 June and will last for a minimum of 45 days involving nine TPP practices in the Derbyshire area.

To complete the pilot there has to be 10 consecutive transfers for each system type already accredited for GP2GP – EMIS Web, EMIS LV and INPS Vision 3.

Dr Chris Bates, who heads up the TPP data migration coding team, said the pilot was going very well and a large number of successful transfers have already been completed.

There are eight sites using the functionality with another one to be added today.

Subject to a successful pilot, NHS Connecting for Health will approve the functionality for full roll-out, which would see SystmOne fulfil the conditions to become a GPSoC Level 4 system.

TPP sales director, Sue Sanders, said getting to this stage had taken slightly longer than expected.

“We’re excited that when approval is given, we’ll be able to offer even more benefits to our practices, helping to make their working lives that little bit easier,” she added

Once the pilot scheme has been completed, TPP will work with NHS organisations and the GP2GP team at CfH to deploy the product to all SystmOne practices.

According to CFH figures, last updated in October last year, 56% of English practices are live with GP2GP and about 10,000 transfers are completed every week. Microtest’s Evolution system is also in interoperability testing with CfH.