

First European deal for HealthVault

Microsoft and Siemens have signed an agreement to licence Microsoftā€™s personal health record platform, HealthVault, in Germany.
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Milton Keynes first on Microsoft Amalga

Milton Keynes NHS Foundation Trust has become the first UK customer for Microsoftā€™s healthcare data aggregation platform.
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Cameron: Donā€™t believe Google scare

David Cameron has said people should not believe ā€œscare storiesā€ about patientsā€™ medical records being handed over to companies such
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Tories promise records for all

Patient-held records are one of the Conservative Party’s priorities for health, according to plans published today. The party said it would
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Survey gives boost to HealthSpace

E-Health Insider and survey shows strong backing for HealthSpace and none at all for commercial alternatives.
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EHI and take pulse of NHS IT

NHS IT and alternatives to some or all of the National Programme for IT in the NHS have broken into
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Primary care inspires review

EHI Primary Care editor Fiona Barr dissects the NHS IT review and identifies the wellspring of ideas that shaped it.
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Conservatives pledge to ā€˜haltā€™ LSP deals

The Conservative party has pledged to scrap the NHS Spine and halt and re-negotiate the two main contracts with BT
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Conservatives to ā€˜dismantleā€™ NPfIT

The Conservatives have promised to ā€œdismantle Labour's central NHS IT infrastructureā€ and instead move to a choice of local accredited
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Pharmacists warn on personal records

Pharmacists’ representatives have claimed that use of private health record services such as Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault could risk
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