

Underpin the vision for primary care-led services with better data

'Hard to quantify' primary and community care has been overlooked for too long. That could be about to change, thanks
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Industry news in brief

This monthā€™s industry round-up features news NHS Digital is rolling out electronic notifications from community pharmacies.
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Digital NHS leader talks Covid-19 response and diversity

The associate director of digital transformation at The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS FT has said the Covid-19 pandemic has ā€œbrought about
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Site visit: Hillingdon has an app for that

While big trusts grab headlines for big-bang EPRs, Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been quietly getting on with a
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Hillingdon Hospitals develops care record app

The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has developed a Hillingdon Care Record mobile app for phones and tablets that is
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Hillingdon gets SRC discharge summaries

The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust has signed a deal with SRC to implement the company’s electronic discharge summary. The web-based
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Hillingdon implements Imprivata OneSign

The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust has implemented Imprivata OneSign, giving more than 3,500 clinicians access to the single sign-on technology.
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King’s College upgrades maternity system to EuroKing E3

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has upgraded its EuroKing maternity information system to the new E3 version of the software.
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Maternity delivery delays

Maternity systems form a core part of Local Service Providers' contracts under the NHS IT programme, but delivery has been
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Five trusts sign up for e-rostering software

Five NHS trusts and a private hospital group are set to adopt Manpower Software’s MAPS Healthroster system which is designed to ease
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