

How healthcare can mirror the airline industry and maximise time

The airline industry and healthcare are not two things you would usually put together but Jon Payne argues they might
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Ministry of Defence selects InterSystems to deliver on interoperability

Using InterSystems the Ministry of Defence (MoD) plans to restore the current medical information services system on behalf of the
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InterSystems and Cognetivity partner up to support dementia detection tool

InterSystems is partnering up with Cognetivity to support its solution that uses AI to detect dementia up to 15 years
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Why interoperability is key to the success of healthcare startups

Louise Parberry, senior sales engineer at InterSystems, explores why interoperability could be key when it comes to unlocking the success
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Rewired 2021 Day Five ā€“ key sessions to look out for

Key figures working in artificial intelligence and data within the NHS will be speaking on the fifth and final day
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InterSystems TrakCare now offers Covid appointment booking system

Users of InterSystemsā€™ TrakCare now have access to an appointment booking system to schedule Covid vaccinations which can help save
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Interoperability should not come at cost of “transparent” procurement

Integrated care systems will need to have interoperability embedded if true joined up health and care is to be achieved,
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NHS Wales pathology labs undergo IT upgrades from InterSystems

Working with InterSystems the NHS Wales Informatics Service successfully completed the major upgrade to the labs system over one weekend
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Digital Health Unplugged: What does good look like

In this episode we take a look at the NHSX programme 'What good looks like' and the steps it needs
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Digital Health Unplugged: Collaboration between suppliers

The latest Digital Health Unplugged looks at the importance of collaboration between suppliers and the benefits it brings the digital
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