John Lockley


Enter the CCG: more thoughts on what hospitals can learn from primary care IT

With the publication of the Wachter Review, Dr John Lockley has been thinking about what secondary care could learn from
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Enter the CCG: on evidence based management

In his previous column, John Lockley noted that there is often a disconnect between ā€œthe centreā€ of the NHS and
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Enter the CCG: on the ice shelf

John Lockley reviews some recent columns and finds a common theme; a worrying disconnect between the top of the NHS
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Enter the CCG: on Patient Online

John Lockley is worried about the Patient Online programme ā€“ and just how much work making the full GP record
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Enter the CCG: on the Enigma of the NHS

John Lockley has been on a bank holiday trip to Bletchley Park; and concluded that one of its less-sung heroes
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Enter the CCG: on IG, security, and the fear of being shot

Dr John Lockley chaired a conference on the vexed and difficult questions of information governance and cyber-security; and found that
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Enter the CCG: on the snail at the backdoor

John Lockley worries that the NHS is going down the line of centralised, expensive ā€˜solutionsā€™ to cybercrime, when what it
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Enter the CCG: on what NHS IT can learn from Google

GP John Lockley points out that people use Google because it works; while they use NHS software because they have
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Enter the CCG: deals with conflicts of interest

Dr John Lockley argues that conflicts of interest are inevitable. Itā€™s how you deal with them ā€“ and whether you
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Enter the CCG: tackles spaghetti systems

As a programmer, John Lockley was inspired by computing pioneers who wanted to keep things simple. Now, as a GP
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