

DHSC announces ministers responsible for digital and MedTech

The junior ministers responsible for digital, data and MedTech within the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) have been
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Wes Streeting: We can make Britain a powerhouse for MedTech

Health secretary Wes Streeting has pledged that the new government will ā€œmake Britain a powerhouse for life sciences and medical
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Digital choices facing Wes Streeting

Can the next secretary of state for health and social care find a way to ā€˜move the dialā€™ on digital?
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Next Labour government needs to learn from IT failures of the past

Labour is committed to digital and pinning hopes of NHS renewal on AI. But the shadow Health Secretary should understand
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Labour would modernise health service, overhaul NHS App ā€“ StreetingĀ 

LabourĀ will streamline the process for innovators in the health service and overhaul the NHS App if it is elected to
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Technology can help transform the NHS says Starmer

Labour Leader Keir Starmer has identified technology as one of three key shifts his party will use to transform the
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General Election 2017: what each party promises to do for NHS IT

The general election is tomorrow ā€“ but what does it all mean for the NHS and the healthcare IT sector
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Labour manifesto fails to focus on IT

The Labour Party has launched its manifesto for the upcoming general election, promising a more integrated health and care system,
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Gwynne admits NPfIT mistakes

Shadow health minister Andrew Gwynne came as close as any politician is likely to do for apologising for the National
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Healey: revolution would need cash

Shadow health secretary John Healey has said it is ā€œlargely unlikelyā€ that the aims of the 'information revolution' will be
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