

Two Scottish NHS bodies rapped by ICO

The Information Commissioner’s Office has told two different Scottish NHS bodies they must tighten data security after a series of
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Arctic blast

A think-tank recently ranked its funding forecasts for the NHS from ā€˜tepidā€™ to ā€˜arctic.ā€™ Sarah Bruce asks what that will
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Primary care inspires review

EHI Primary Care editor Fiona Barr dissects the NHS IT review and identifies the wellspring of ideas that shaped it.
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Conservatives to ā€˜dismantleā€™ NPfIT

The Conservatives have promised to ā€œdismantle Labour's central NHS IT infrastructureā€ and instead move to a choice of local accredited
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UK telehealth trials missing minorities

Concerns have been raised that the UK’s biggest ever trial of telehealth technologies is excluding non-English speaking people, despite the
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Burnham wants ā€˜health service fit for the digital ageā€™

New health secretary Andy Burnham has said that despite the NHS’ coming financial problems, he still wants to see a
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Tories promise transparent procurement

Shadow health minister Stephen Oā€™Brien has called more localised and transparent procurement in the NHS and an end to Labourā€™s
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Mike Oā€™Brien new minister for NHS IT

Mike O’Brien, the MP for North Warwickshire, has become the latest minister to take responsibility for NHS Connecting for Health
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SCR access widens again

Community pharmacists, end of life care teams and ambulance staff will gain access to the Summary Care Record in a
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That was the year that was…

Say goodbye to 2008 with E-Health Insiderā€™s news review.
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