Liberating the NHS


2012 changes to be felt in 2013

The transition away from the National Programme for IT in the NHS is finally underway and will gather speed in
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Morale of IT staff hits new low

The morale of NHS IT staff working in primary care has declined greatly as job losses and job changes have
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Look back, move forward

EHealth Insider asked NHS IT directors, GPs, opinion formers and a patient to look at the state of NHS IT
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Twenty twelve

The ā€˜Liberating the NHSā€™ reforms became law, the government issued a new NHS IT strategy, CSCā€™s deal for the NME
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Reforms yet to gain traction in NHS

New health secretary Jeremy Hunt will have his work cut out to convince NHS staff of the value of his
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Full details of EHI Live 2012 released

More than 50 speakers have been booked to give delegates to the conference at EHI Live 2012 the "big picture"
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Ta ra, Lansley

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has been reshuffled to Leader of the House. Lyn Whitfield assesses his impact on the NHS
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Lansley announced as keynote at EHI Live

Health secretary Andrew Lansley will be the keynote speaker at this yearā€™s EHI Live conference and exhibition, giving delegates the
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New kids on the block

Commissioning support services have emerged as important parts of the latest reforms, not least when it comes to providing information
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NHS commissioning to shed 20,000 jobs

As many as 20,000 NHS staff could be left without jobs when the new commissioning structure is complete, NHS Commissioning
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