Neil Paul


Another view: of age being a barrier to tech

In his latest column, Neil Paul looks at if age really is a barrier to tech or whether it is
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Another view: of Covid-19 vaccination centres

Our GP columnist, Neil Paul, gives an insight into how the Covid-19 vaccination centres are being run at a local
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Another view: of Covid-19 vaccinations

In his latest column for Digital Health, Dr Neil Paul explores all things Covid-19 vaccinations and how they will be
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Another view: of the GP IT market

With his local CCG offering to pay for an e-triage system, our columnist Neil Paul, explores what this could mean
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Another view: of resetting the GP practice and A&E

Our GP columnist, Neil Paul, has been thinking about the huge changes that GP practices have witnessed during Covid-19 and
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Another view: on working from home

Our GP columnist, Dr Neil Paul, reflects on his experience of working from home including his tech set-up and why
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Another view: Of partnership working

This month, our resident GP columnist, Neil Paul, looks at partnership working and the rise of Primary Care Networks (PCNs).
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Another View: On seeing one person’s records

The difficulties surrounding looking at one person's records is the theme of Neil Paul's latest column for Digital Health.
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Another View: Of cracking the GP IT market

How can innovation flourish in the GP IT market? That is just one of many questions Dr Neil Paul tries
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Another view on: Implementing innovation

Dr Neil Paul talks about the struggle of introducing innovation to primary care, and whether weā€™re doing enough to remove
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