Neil Paul


Another View: On primary care networks and IT upgrades

Since he last wrote for Digital Health, our GP IT columnist has witnessed the creation of primary care networks and
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Another view: On how data capture and analysis is changing

In wearables, sensors and AI, Neil Paul thinks he may just see the future of research and patient monitoring ā€“
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Another View: On learning from our mistakes

A book about system and organisation performance has got Neil Paul thinking ā€“ not least about why healthcare IT never
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Another View: On whether a GP-contract-driven change is going to come

Our GP columnist has been reviewing the 2019/20 GP contract document. And while there's lots of talk of digital, Neil
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Another View: Of primary care networks and the IT challenges

The current penchant for GP networks is in many ways understandable, says our GP columnist Neil Paul. But is the
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Another view: of the power of GP federations

In his last column of 2018,Ā our GP columnist, Neil Paul, looks back at what his GP federation as achieved throughout
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Another View: Of conference season

It must be conference season: Neil Paul has attended three separate meetings in almost as many weeks. As our GP
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Another view: Of the importance of EPR training

In general practice, staff use electronic patient records every day. So, our GP columnist wonders, why don't we add creating
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Is NHS 111 a waste of time?

Our GP columnist looks at few instances where his acquaintancesĀ or patients had to deal with NHS 111 and wonders if
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Another view: of smart devices for medicines

When our GP columnist Neil Paul turns his mind to NHS finances, his attention quickly turns to medicines and the
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