
Forum presents ‘Case for Information’

The Patient Information Forum has published a report on the benefits of providing information to patients and carers.
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HSCIC creates quality indicator library

The Health and Social Care Information Centre is creating a library and repository for quality indicators to reduce duplication and
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Power to the People

Paul Hodgkin, the chief executive of Patient Opinion, says the NHS has turned Henry Fordā€™s old adage into ā€œyou can
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NICE accredits Direct

NHS Direct's processes to develop the clinical content of its phone-based patient advice and information service have been accredited by
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NICE looks for blue-SCIE thinking

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has awarded a contract to the Social Care Institute for Excellence and
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Scorecards to show NICE compliance

Clinical commissioning groups will have to produce online ā€œinnovation scorecardsā€ to show whether they are offering patients the latest drugs
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NICE issues COF and QOF indicators

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has published the first lot of proposed indicators for the Commissioning Outcomes
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Here’s a really NICE app

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has created an app to give healthcare professionals ā€œquick and easyā€ access
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NICE asks what to take for a COF

A consultation on potential indicators for the 2013-14 Commissioning Outcomes Framework has been launched.
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Electronic paths through NICE guidance

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has launched an online tool that brings together all of its connected
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