Patient Opinion


Tom’s digital health disruptors: rating apps

Services that allow users to rate NHS care have been around for longer than you might think; and there are
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Power to the people: signs off

Paul Hodgkin, the former GP and founder of Patient Opinion, reflects on a non-Marxist, Marxian revolution in his last column
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Power to the people on: whistleblowing in the 21st century

Paul Hodgkin says Sir Robert Francisā€™ report on whistleblowing is focused on corporate action; and in the age of social
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Power to the people on: Charlie Hebdo and the NHS

Paul Hodgkin wonders what the recent massacre of French cartoonists has to say to the NHS, and argues that thing
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Power to the people on: the great confidentiality face-off

Confidentiality canā€™t just be toggled on and off, because it goes to the heart of the doctor/patient relationship. Paul Hodgkin
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Tweet talk

EHI Live visitors queued up for selfies with Dr Ranj; and then headed down to the Social Media Village to
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Power to the people on communities of care

Paul Hodgkin reflects on the medical changes brought about by his great, great, great uncle Thomas, and those that are
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Power to the people on testing times

Paul Hodgkin examines the mathematics of testing for disease, and concludes that professionals and patients are going to need some
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Power to the people on the sharing economy

From car sharing to sharing care ā€“ Paul Hodgkin asks: "What does the 'sharing economy' mean for health?"
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Power to the people on the high cost of change

Paul Hodgkin, the founder of Patient Opinion, reflects on the latest calls for fundamental change in the NHS, and asks:
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