

IBM teams with Google to mobilise patient data

New software to enable data to be easily moved from remote personal monitoring devices into Google Health personal health records
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Germany invests ā‚¬125m in ambient care

The German national ministry of research has announced a major funding program for ambient assisted living.
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German health minister praises regional EPR project

The city of Bottrop, North Rhine Westphalia, has launched a private electronic patient record project that utilises the new German
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Dubai hospital gets Philips iSite PACS

Tawam Hospital in Dubai, part of the United Arad Emirates, has celebrated the ‘go-live’ of Philips’ iSite Picture Archiving and
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EU sets e-health map for 2009

Ilias Iakovidis and Michael Palmer tell E-Health Europeā€™s Outi Alapekkala how e-health will develop in 2009 and far beyond.
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Antwerp selects Agfa for cardiovascular imaging

The University of Antwerp Hospital has awarded a contract with Agfa to provide it with enhanced cardiovascular diagnostic imaging and
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Siemens works with Hospital Clinic, Barcelona

Siemens Healthcare has signed an agreement with Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain, to integrate its diagnostic, imaging and information technology systems.
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Newham and Milton Keynes win European awards

The London Borough of Newham and Milton Keynes Council have both won European e-inclusion awards for their use of telehealth
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Vodafone invests in mobile health firm

Newbury, Berkshire-based, mobile phone giant Vodafone has invested in t+ Medical, a UK provider of mobile health services acccessed across
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European drugs to carry barcodes

Medicines sold across Europe will have to carry barcodes and other improved security mechanisms, under proposals unveiled by the European
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