Power of Information


Itā€™s big, but is it clever?

Robert Francisā€™ final report into the Mid Staffordshire scandal is huge, but will its impact be in proportion to its
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Francis calls for records and open data

Robert Francis QC has backed investment in electronic patient records and the wider publication of NHS data at the end
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PwC finds ‘even more’ IT savings

A report from consultants PriceWaterhouseCoopers has concluded that the NHS could save billions of pounds a year if ā€œambitious, proactive
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Look back, move forward

EHealth Insider asked NHS IT directors, GPs, opinion formers and a patient to look at the state of NHS IT
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The answers to the quiz of the year 2012!

A small but select band got all the answers right to eHealth Insiderā€™s annual quiz of the year. Did you
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Twenty twelve

The ā€˜Liberating the NHSā€™ reforms became law, the government issued a new NHS IT strategy, CSCā€™s deal for the NME
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GPs ‘must back info revolution’

We need an information revolution in the medical profession, Roger Goss told a debate on patient access to electronic records.
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Power to the people

Paul Hodgkin, the founder and chief executive of Patient Opinion, wonders if the NHSā€™s promised digital revolution will help one
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Full details of EHI Live 2012 released

More than 50 speakers have been booked to give delegates to the conference at EHI Live 2012 the "big picture"
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EHI Live interview: Paul Hodgkin

Chris Thorne talks to the founder and chief executive of Patient Opinion, who has played an increasingly influential role in
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