

Rust in peace: Hospital uncovers unusual 1990s employee

Jeeves the Robot was responsible to carry blood samples and medical notes around Northwick Park Hospital in the mid 1990s
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Patients at The Royal London Hospital benefit from robot assisted surgery

One hundred patients at The Royal London Hospital have befittedĀ from robot assisted surgery since the technology was introduced in 2017.
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Double robot surgery carried out at The Royal Marsden Hospital

Surgeons Shahnawaz Rasheed and Marielle Nobbenhuis sat on opposite sides of the da Vinci Xi robotic consoleĀ to perform a hysterectomyĀ on
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PARO the robotic seal one step closer to being introduced to UK hospitals

PARO, a robotic seal that responds to voice and touch interactions, is a step closer to being introduced to dementia
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Surgeons carry out first robotics-assisted total knee replacement operation

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has carried out its first robotic-assisted total knee replacement operation.
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Robot surgeons at Barts Health NHS trust start operating

Da vinci robots, which provides minimally invasive surgery for patients, have been introduced at Barts Health NHS trust thanks to
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Industry news in brief

This month's industry nibs features NHS academy launching a leadership training programme for community pharmacists.
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Rise of the robots: Robo-surgeons revolutioniseĀ Barts HealthĀ 

Barts Health NHS Trust has received a multi-million pound grant to buy surgical robots for two of its London hospitals.
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