section 251


Enter the CCG ā€“ an open letter to the DH

Dr John Lockley uses his regular column to pen an open letter to the Department of Health, calling for a
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HSCIC sets up Caldicott monitoring group

The Health and Social Care Information Centre is establishing a Caldicott Implementation Monitoring Group to begin work in 2014.
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Five things to watch in primary care, 2014

Rebecca Todd asks primary care IT experts to identify the key issues for 2014; and finds GPSoC2, patient access,,
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Commissioners get new PCD powers

Commissioners have been given new powers to process ā€˜necessaryā€™ patient confidential data for invoice validation, following a decision by health
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Another year of PCD for commissioners

NHS England has submitted three Section 251 exemption requests to allow some patient confidential data to continue to flow to
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Ashes to ASHs

The Department of Healthā€™s response to Caldicott2 confirms that patient confidential data cannot be used for commissioning. EHI news editor
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Govt holds Caldicott line on PCD

The government has declined to back down over the use of patient confidential data for comissioning, despite an outcry from
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‘Safe haven’ accreditation held up

The creation of 'accredited safe havens' to allow commissioners to process some patient confidential data is being held up by
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Enter the CCG

Dr John Lockleyā€™s attempts to make effective use of data for clinical commissioning are being thwarted by the Section 251
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CCGs cannot fulfil duties without PCD

Clinical commissioners have written to NHS England saying they cannot carry out their statutory duties because of issues around processing
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