

Virtual smartcards to help give NHS staff faster access to hospital systems

A virtual smartcard and a streamlined system for physical cards which gives faster access to hospital systems has been given
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NHS gets smart with contactless cards

NHS trusts will have access to contactless smartcards, so staff can log into clinical systems on tablet computers, from autumn
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Spine outage leaves users without access

A major outage on NHS Spine has caused problems across the NHS and affected users are unable to access any
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Smartcard sharing ‘should be offence’

The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care has recommended that smartcard sharing should be banned and misuse
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Germany suspends e-health card project

The roll-out of Germayā€™s national e-health smart card has been put on hold, with a review to be carried out
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European Health Insurance Card hits milestone

The European Commission has announced that over 180m European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC) have been issued in the five years
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VeriFone targets German e-health programme

US firm VeriFone Holdings has announced it will target the growing demand in Germany for electronic health card systems. The
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Panasonic launches new Mobile Clinical Assistant

Panasonic has launched the latest version of its Mobile Clinical Assistant, a rugged tablet-style wireless handheld computer specifically designed for
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Carestream gets KBV e-health card certification

Carestream Health has become one of the first healthcare IT companies to receive the KBV certificate, eGK-Release-0, as part of
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German health minister praises regional EPR project

The city of Bottrop, North Rhine Westphalia, has launched a private electronic patient record project that utilises the new German
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