

Study finds issues with stroke triage

Software used by ambulance staff to triage calls misses more than 50% of people who have had a stroke, according
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Doc ratings site moves into charity work

The controversial website iwantgreatcare, which allows patients to rate their doctors, is expanding into other areas of NHS work, in
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Information prescriptions to be linked to electronic records

The Department of Health is this week expected to set out its vision for information prescriptions that are linked to
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The big screen

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has promised to introduce free screening for stroke, diabetes, heart and kidney disease. Joe Fernandez looks
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Electronic toolkit to be an asset in stroke care

A new electronic toolkit which aims to cut the number of strokes and provide better services for those who do
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GPs receive summaries for discharged stroke patients

 GPs are to receive specialised electronic discharge summaries for stroke patients treated in Manchester Royal Infirmary, thanks to templates developed
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From dependence to responsibility

In the first of a two part article, Iain Anderson from Capgemini looks at the drivers for change in the
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Digital pen makes light work of filling out care forms

A digital pen and paper system that records handwriting for ‘playback’ into text could be a boon for healthcare workers and cut
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Walsall and Orion work on heart failure pathways

Walsall Primary Care Trust and Orion Systems have been chosen to produce a national demonstrator system for the electronic support
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Reader Comment: ā€˜NPfIT Viewed from Scotlandā€™

The following ‘reader comment’ was supplied in response to recent E-Health Insider reports on the development of the National Programme for
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