

Patient care improved through e-recording of vital signs at Aneurin Bevan

Seven hospital sites from the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board have gone live with electronic observations in a bid to
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Digital physiotherapy tool could save Wales Ā£1m per year

Initial results of a digital physiotherapy pilot suggest the tool could create more than Ā£1m of annual savings if rolled
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Welsh data breach exposes information of Covid-19 patients

Public Health Wales has confirmed a data breach which involved the personally identifiable data of Welsh residents who have tested
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NHS Wales to receive Ā£50m digital reboot in long-needed IT overhaul

Alongside Ā£50m in new funding, the reformed NHS Wales will appoint a CDO who will help define national standard for
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E-consent company founded by Welsh surgeon receives Ā£350k funding

Concentric provides a paper-free consent process and still ensures patients facing surgery can still make shared decisions with their clinicians.
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Industry news in brief

Our last industry round up for 2018 features news thatĀ CHKS has been awarded a new contract in Wales to create
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Welsh social prescribing start-up joins AHSN accelerator

Signum Healthā€™s i-navigator platform supports people in need of non-clinical care, such as weight loss, anxiety and depression and social
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Industry news in brief

April's industry news in brief features YouGov research which suggests UK adults are open to using new health technology. We
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Welsh patients warned of ‘backlog’ following widespread network failures

A widespread network failure at two data centres in Wales has now been resolved but there has been warnings that
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Diabetics in Wales get Patients Know Best record

From June, all young people in Wales with diabetes will be able to control who sees their Patients Know Best
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