Will Smart


Greater Manchester, Wessex and One London selected as LHCREs

The three areas, which have a total population of around 14 million, will receive Ā£7.5m over two years and are
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Will Smart: England to get first HIMSS 7 hospitals before year’s end

NHS England will have its first HIMSS Stage 7 hospitals by the end of 2018, Will Smart has said, as
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Cybersecurity: National Vision, Local Focus

Cybersecurity continues to dominate the headlines in the health service. As recently reported by Digital Health, every NHS trust that
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NHS trusts fail post-WannaCry cyber security checks

Every NHS trust that has been tested against cybersecurity standards since 2017ā€™s WannaCry attack has failed, NHS Digital has revealed,
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Boards should appoint lead on data security, NHS England review suggests

Organisations should appoint a board lead on data security and consider suspending IT access for any executive who fails to
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Smart review recommends national chief information and security officer appointment

A chief information and security officer (CISO) and dedicated cyber security lead should be appointed as national figureheads, according to
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NHS Digital Academy opens for applications

The NHS Digital Academy has opened its doors for applications. It intendeds to train 300 digital leaders over the next
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NHS England CIO says service needs ā€˜at leastā€™ another Ā£4.2 billion for IT

NHS Englandā€™s CIO Will Smart has said the NHS needs at least another Ā£4.2 billion of IT investment to finish
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National CCIO defends post-Wachter priority on GDE investment

The NHS England's digital leaders say that one year on much progress has been made against the recommendations made by
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Open innovation exemplar fund gets 48 bids

  An independent campaign to develop a new open digital platform for health and care has received 48 open innovation
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