Winter pressures


AI to help boost NHS winter response and prevent avoidable admissions

AI will spot patients at risk of needing to go to hospital so community NHS teams can get to them
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Government to invest Ā£30m in innovative technology for NHS

The Department of Health and Social Care said it will invest Ā£30 million in innovative technology for the NHS to
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System Control Centres ā€˜a good conceptā€™ but challenges lie ahead

Yorkshire & Humber Care Record Programme director and CIO, Lee Rickles, speaks exclusively about the purpose and challenges of System
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Advisory Series: Transformation

As reports emerge about cancelled operations, "black alerts" and soaring hospital admissions, it is clear that NHS is struggling to
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Part 1: How can NHS use technology to reduce winter pressures?

As the NHS grapples with a winter crisis, can technology help in alleviating some of the pressures? In this first
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Ipswich battles winter pressures with BI tool

A winter pressures business intelligence tool developed at Ipswich Hospital with Medeanalytics is providing an early warning system for capacity
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Dashboarding through the snow

Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust has a dashboard that both predicts demand in A&E and shows staff what
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Tomā€™s digital disruptors: app up this winter

ā€˜Tis the season for newspaper headlines about NHS ā€˜winter pressuresā€™. Thomas Meek looks at some of the apps and other
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NHS trust markets A&E dashboard

Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust is working with NHS Shared Business Services to market a suite of data
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Derby manages winter pressures

Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has implemented an ExtraMed inpatient flow manager system from Hospedia to help manage winter bed
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