Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust deploys WellSky EPMA

  • 22 October 2020
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust deploys WellSky EPMA
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust declared a major incident after trouble with its IT system

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust has gone live with a new electronic prescribing and medicines administration (EPMA) system from WellSky.

The system has first been implemented in outpatients with more wards due to go live in the future.

A new user interface, which was created with clinical input, has been welcomed across the trust, which also went live with a patient management system (PAS) from System C in November 2018.

The trust has reaped the benefits of moving to ePrescribing, and losing the problem of illegible writing, notes going missing and eliminating the virus transmission risk that paper brings. However, avoiding potentially damaging drug interactions and being aware of patient allergies at the point of prescription has been another key positive.

Jan Birley, project manager, said: “We are a project team with a job to get done, and we are out there making sure it happens in the safest way we can. For me, as a project manager, whatever we are spending on any project is public money. So, it has to bring benefits – so we don’t have the luxury to sit back and take as long as we want to wait for the benefits to come from these systems we are purchasing.”

With remote training and virtual project team meetings, the WellSky and Brighton teams set up a strong communication link from the outset and worked in tandem to move the project forward.

Robert Tysall-Blay, CEO of WellSky International, added: “At this difficult and critical time in healthcare we are delighted and congratulate the team at Brighton on their rapid implementation and in recognising how valuable EPMA is in supporting front line services and patients during this crisis.”

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