Industry Spotlight: Patience Chinwadzimba, senior nursing executive, Cerner

In our latest Industry Spotlight, Vivienne Raper spoke to Cerner's senior nursing executive, Patience Chinwadzimba, about what she feels lies
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NHS Confederation Conference: How digitisation can support existing care provision and the future of GP services

In an exclusive piece for Digital Health, Visiba Care's UK manager, Tina Marshall, reflects on last month's NHS Confederation conference
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Industry Spotlight: Trey Lauderdale, Hillrom

Purging the pager in healthcare has been a long-term goal for many organisations across the globe. Jennifer Trueland spoke to
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Special Report: Enterprise Imaging

Having a good imaging enterprise imaging system in place can help contribute to having the fullest picture of a patient
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HL7 FHIR: everything you need to know

The interoperability standard HL7 format has evolved over the years which has led to the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)
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Reinventing interoperability: why now is the time to put the brakes on business as usual

The interoperability landscape is more complex than ever and this guide from Lyniate explores why now is the time to
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Special Report: AI and Data

With the pandemic shifting views on AI and data use across industries, Maja Dragovic investigates how much those views have
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Liberate to Innovate: Learning from the pandemic – the behaviours that will deliver NHS digital transformation

The speed and ingenuity of the NHSā€™s response to Covid-19 presents a unique opportunity to understand how successful digital transformation
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Industry Spotlight: Tina Marshall, Visiba Care

Digitising patient pathways could help reduce the number of trips people have to make to different healthcare settings. Jennifer Trueland
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Special Report: Electronic Document Management

Covid-19 has thrown a spotlight on digital maturity. As Vivienne Raper reports, many trusts last year have changed priorities or
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