University Hospitals Birmingham goes live with OceanoPAS

University Hospitals Birmingham has gone live with an in-house built patient administration system, developed with Servelec.
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South East Coast Ambulance trust rolls out new CAD

An ambulance trust has begun rolling out its new computer aided dispatch (CAD) system, after its previous system resulted in
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Mobile app Echo is supporting medication adherence

An app that electronically reorders medications and arranges for their delivery to a patient's home is assisting with medicines adherence,
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Industry news in brief

This month's industry nibs include multi-million pound funds for health technologies and a trust going live with a new image
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Ā£385 million GDE funding approved by Treasury

The Treasury has approved Ā£385 million for the global digital exemplar programme, according to Matthew Swindells, NHS England director.
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Wye Valley goes live with IMS Maxims EPR

Wye Valley NHS Trust has gone live with IMS Maxims electronic patient record (EPR), after several delays with the go-live
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NHS Digital to build a new cybersecurity centre

NHS Digital is looking for a supplier to build a new cybersecurity centre and has put out a "request for
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WannaCry delays Lorenzo go-live at East and North Hertfordshire

The impact of the global cyber-attacks has caused East and North Hertfordshire to delay its Lorenzo (EPR) deployment for over
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Milton Keynes puts child safeguarding into GPs’ EPR

Child safeguarding guidance has been directly put into Milton Keynes CCG's EPR allowing for training, alerts and shared information across
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Lloyds Pharmacy is first to pass CQC digital inspection

Lloyds Pharmacy Online Doctor has become the first of online healthcare provider to pass its Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection.
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