
Central funding of NHSmail SMS to end

Plans to end central funding of email-to-SMS services for NHSmail2 will ā€œgo down like a lead balloonā€ with GPs, a
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Caldicott to oversee pilot

The pilot phase of the controversial programme will be subject to scrutiny from an independent panel led by Dame
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Kelsey says ‘listen with data’

NHS commissioners cannot ā€œlistenā€ to what patients need without tools such as to help them Tim Kelsey has argued,
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BMA votes for opt-in

The British Medical Association has voted in favour of making an opt-in system rather than an opt-out one, following
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GPs call for patient opt-in to

GPs have called for patients to be able to opt in to their data being extracted from GP practices as
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Nagpaul backs ‘measured’ access approach

A measured approach to providing online access to patient records is necessary to make sure that the GP profession is
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Dial 111 for an emergency

Itā€™s been another bad week for NHS 111. Lis Evenstad reports on a service that is becoming a by-word for
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Inquiries needed into NHS 111 ‘disgrace’

The government should announce a parliamentary inquiry into the chaotic contracting and deployment of NHS 111, a BMA spokesperson says.
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Dr Chaand Nagpaul new GPC chair

Dr Chaand Nagpaul has been elected as the new leader of the BMAā€™s GP Committee.
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ChangingNHS portal launched

The British Medical Association has launched a web portal to help people understand the changes happening in the NHS.
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